Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Few Poems

So one of my ways of channeling my emotions is to write.  So I decided that I'm going to share some of the things I have written.

Writer's Block #1
Some days I think my gift is gone,
Vanished like an old lover
traded for a few pumps in a dark room

Some days I can pen my soul away
The words I write coming from my blood
Sweet love

Some days I think my pen is taunting me
I can see her connecting with the paper
but the words won't come out
like trying to touch a hand on the other side of a glass wall

Lover's Caress
Ignite me,
Spark to my fire
Bare before one another,
Accept me into you.
Our heat warms me,
envelops me
infuses my limbs,
from the depths of my soul to the palms of my hands
to the soles of my feet and back.
Electric current.
Claim me,
clinging to your strength
Be my anchor
sweet lover,
warlord prince to my queen

Deeply Personal Scars
The pain inside my chest
squeezing my heart
contricting my lungs
emotionally suffocating.
"Make it stop" I cry to no avail.
I'm shattering,
alone, stranded on an island
in the midst of a swirling sea of self loathing.
Emotional malestrom
Nowhere left to go
as this chasm expands within me.
More self hate from being called obscenities
absoption at a cellular rate.
Slut, whore, devil worshiper, freak, bitch,
idiot, skank, dirty, unclean.
Recorded by my heart, burned into my mind.
The pain keeps building.
I need to let it out,
before I explode.
A slash here,
a jab there,
ruby rivulets running down.
My arm, my hip, my breast
each kiss of steel
transmuting emotional pain
into physical pain
bringing my emotional wounds to the surface
My flesh may sting but my mind and soul are intact

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